What is Baking Powder?Baking Soda (The Alkali)Cream of Tartar (The Acid)Common Kitchen Substitutes for Cream of TartarHow To Make Sour MilkButtermilk: Cultured Versus TraditionalHow To Make Cultured ButtermilkCocoa Powder: Natural Versus DutchNot So Common Kitchen Substitutes for Cream of TartarHow To Make Sourdough StarterAre There Substitutes for Baking Soda?Baker's Ammonia (Hartshorn)Before There Was Baking Soda: Potash, Pearlash, & SaleratusHardwood AshesExperiments in Baking with Wood AshAsh Water Vs. Lye Water Vs. Lye Water: Are They All the Same?Other Historical LeavenersWhat About Eggs?The Little Things Matter
Charts (print version):
Homemade Baking Powder (how to)To Test the Potency of Baking PowderTo Substitute Cream of Tartar & Baking Soda for Baking PowderCommon Kitchen Substitutes for Cream of TartarTo Substitute Natural or Dutch Cocoa PowderTo Substitute Sourdough Starter for Baking PowderTo Substitute Eggshell for Baking SodaTo Substitute Baker's Ammonia for Baking Powder or Baking SodaTo Substitute Potash or Pearlash for Baking SodaChart of Baking Powder SubstitutesThe pH of Various Foods, BasesThe pH of Various Foods, Acids
54 modern and historical recipesGlossaryResourcesExtensive index (print version only)
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