How To Make an Herbal Salve

How To Make an Herbal Salve: an introduction to salves, creams, ointments, & more

Herbal salves are easy and fun to make. This little eBook will give you a solid foundation for making your own herbal salves. Discusses herbs, oils, beeswax, essential oils, why some herbal preparations don't work, and how to make an effective salve. Included are simple, basic recipes that you can adapt for a variety of herbal slaves, lotions, lip balms, and non-petroleum jelly.

Available in epub,  mobi (Kindle), lrf, pdb, txt, html, and PDF.


How To Make an Effective Salve
How To Choose Herbs for Salves
How To Choose Oils (& a bit about beeswax)
How To Choose Essential Oils
How To Make an Infused Oil
How To Make a Simple Basic Salve
Beyond Salves: Creams, Lotions, Ointments, & More
Last But Not Least, Have Fun



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